Monday, December 16, 2013

Five Simple Recruitment, Hiring and Retention Recommendations

  1. Employees in a Manager role should primarily be concerned with strategy and return on investment, Supervisors should primarily be concerned with the quality of the workers’ product and Workers should primarily be concerned with producing work.
  2. Attempt to keep a 1:8 staffing ratio (manager:supervisor; supervisor:worker). Too few or too many direct reports will create inefficiencies.
  3. Don’t limit your candidate pool by requiring specific knowledge of your company, processes or in-house computer software on the job announcement. Rather, focus on industry skill sets required to perform the work.
  4. Job descriptions should be written for roles rather than individuals. Focus on what activities and skills the role will perform 80% of the time.
  5. Focus on measuring employee performance based on the desired outcome (refer to item 1) rather than on process. A few, well designed outcome based measurements will outperform a host of process based measurements.

Paychecks: an Exchange of Value for Value

Having managed and supervised people for many years now, it is evident to me that the concept of "value for value" is not clearly ...